Monday, November 17, 2008

One to go! Spiced Apple Cider

Yes! it is fast approaching but to me it is already here and with it the smells, sights, feel and taste I always associate with it... Of cinammon and pies, warm drinks and soups, socks and plush bath robes... Of everything warm and cozy. As the winters come and go, I have learnt, created and adapted different recipes of soups and drinks I love to enjoy during the cold days. As time permits, I will be posting some every now and agian. This One to go is on Apple Cider!

I am convinced that winter will just not be right without it! The first time I had apple cider, I wasn't sure if I would like the taste and was afraid of getting scalded but my... It seems like a hundred years ago now. I have tried and enjoyed serving my little family every winter some good Cider. My favorite spiced recipe is actually what I want to share in this posting.

ingredients for a quart

  • Apple Cider (brand of your choice); a quart
  • A couple of peeled sliced ginger (about the size of your pinkie; fresh ones are great, otherwise a good sprinkling of ginger powder should do the trick)
  • About 6 whole cloves (in this case whole and dried are recommended, powder may give too strong a flavor)
  • A whole cardamom (also dried, health food stores usually carry this aromatic spice)

ways and means

Pour out your desired amount of Apple Cider into a cooking pot add all spices (increase or reduce the quantities based on how much cider you use. Cover and heat on medium-high till it starts "whistling"(a term I use for just before it boils when the pot seems to be making a sound). Take it off the heat and allow to sit for a couple of minutes. Scoop or strain out the spices and pour into mugs. Enjoy!

... so you know
  • The longer you let the cider sit after taking it off the heat with the spices in it, the spicier it will get (not hot spicy but stronger flavored).
  • If you allow the apple cider to boil before you take it off the heat, it undergoes some kind of transformation (I will simply call it curding which is not so nice).
  • Whatever you do, have fun and increase or reduce the spices with use to get your perfect customised blend!


"As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease."

~the good book~


open by all means! Feel free to post your comments and specialized cider recipes if you please.

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