Thursday, August 03, 2006

Nature, and... a Tub?

I woke up and for the first 15 or so minutes just kept staring out my bedroom window at the trees. The occasional sound of a vehicle passing by, and the dull hum of the telecommunication company's equipment (which at this time is like a constant background to my everyday life). "How beautiful nature is, and how awesome ..." I thought to myself.

Nature intrigues me, the trees, the fruits they bear, shrubs, with all the flowers, the gentle lakes and rivers, the sometimes calm or very boisterous sea... Beautiful hills and mountains, sometimes peaked with snow even in summer... The beauty of sea creatures, at home, free and wild in their habitat... All of these make me think what a great designer He is, who put it all together...

job well done?
We seek satisfaction in the works of our own hands and beam on with great pride and contentment when we see for ourselves what a good job we did. Sometimes a reward is due us, by us, when we think it was a particularly great achievement. Did you achieve something this week that makes you feel like a reward is due? What are you thinking for a reward?

my weekend retreat
In my mind, I'm thinking a good soak in the tub with bathing salt and bubbles, lighted scented candles to help me relax and soothe my tired "little muscles". To end it, I'll give me a good body buff with a polisher. Moisturizing will be the next step and I think this will be a good reward for having made someone over with "delightful results" (her words).

the science
Polishing (aka scrubbing) is used in beauty treatments to get rid of (dead) dull looking skin to expose fresher, smoother, younger looking and feeling skin. This is the underlying principle for "facial peels", manicure and pedicure (save for the benefits to the nails and cuticles during both) and all other beauty treatments that make use scrubs, loofahs, sponges,enzymes, acids and others to exfoliate. Moisturizing after exfoliating provides nourishment and a balance for the skin, soothing and protecting it.

If you are wondering what to fill your weekend with, you might want to consider nature(sightseeing) and then if I have tempted you enough... A soak in the tub and maybe... A little science?...


"Many, o Lord my God, are thy wonderful works which thou hast done, and thy thoughts which are to us-ward: they cannot be reckoned up in order unto thee: if I would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be numbered.

~the good book~


Why don't you share your great achievement for the week and possibly, what you hope to reward yourself with. Post a comment.


Blogger TJ said...

Man, that's awful, I'm sittin here racking my pea brain, hmmm...all I know is the grandkids are a comin! the grandkids are a comin!!!

8/03/2006 1:25 PM  
Blogger nao said...

The science isn't always pleasant but the results work for us... in any case, what do I know? Thanks Tammy.

8/04/2006 8:10 AM  
Blogger TJ said...

You are now linked on my post dear Flash!

8/04/2006 9:58 AM  
Blogger Susie said...

Hi Flash,
I'm here from Tammy's and I see you dropped in to visit me! Goodness we're practically neighbors!!
Sorry I don't have lots of time today to explore your site.
Big thing on my plate: Relay for Life this weekend. I'll post about it later..
Be back again :-)

8/04/2006 10:45 AM  
Blogger Michelle said...

We were just discussing what are plans were gonna be for the weekend and he left after lunch saying let me know what you want to do this weekend.

Maybe I can convince him that we need to go to the beach and then I can natures pedicure (digging my toes in the sand!) Have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by!

8/04/2006 10:50 AM  
Blogger Brenda said...

Thanks for dropping by today and welcome to blogland! May I place a link to you on my blog?

If nature cools off a tad I may browse through it a bit this weekend and I'm gonna make a long soak in my tub a top priority.

8/04/2006 11:18 AM  
Blogger Diane@Diane's Place said...

Hi, Flash, here by way of Tammy. :-)

Nice tameetcha, I'll be back to visit. :-)

8/04/2006 11:55 AM  
Blogger nao said...

Hei, great Tammy, thanks!
Sue, great your coming by. We are neighbours? We'll see... Look forward to reading on what's cooking this weekend later. Will look forward to having you again.
Nature's pedicure ah?... Nice. Enjoy, the beach will be fun in the sun. Come again Michelle.
Brenda, I'd be pleased and will retaliate... :-)
Looking forward to that, thanks Diane.
Have a great weekend y'all!

8/04/2006 12:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there!

I had to laugh at the image of you hiding your fingernails--the concept is so foreign to me. Mine are trashed, because I am *blushing and hiding face in embarassment* a nail biter. I'm so used to having ugly hands that I don't even think to hide them.

Umm, weekend plans... mow the yard, grocery, work on the new flowebed I have planned.

8/04/2006 12:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A soak in the tub? beauty treatments? Lol, the only time I get in the tub, my little ones get in too! Lol, but it's good fun.

8/04/2006 2:16 PM  
Blogger Looney Momâ„¢ said...

I really think I would love to soak in a tub and relax - I can't even remember the last time I did that - it's been that long. I do need to exfoliate though, and not even sure how! Oh well.

BTW, I will add you to my Blog Buddy list. Thanks for the add as well.

8/04/2006 4:47 PM  

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