Thursday, July 27, 2006

What do you like to do to relax over the weekend?

  • soak in the tub?
  • have a pedicure?
  • go to the beach or poolside?
  • ....

What to you is the most relaxing thing to do, ever?

Share your thoughts by posting a comment.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Personally relaxing means a computer game, soccer on the tv or reading. Dont know if thats the best relaxation though.

7/28/2006 9:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Personally relaxing means watching tv, or playing a game. Dont know what it does for me though. Nothing like pedi or manicure. Not that sensitive yet.

7/28/2006 9:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like to read..and read...and read

7/28/2006 9:55 AM  
Blogger nao said...

Reading is big on most people's "Things to do to Relax" list.

I love to read too, for insight and fun and also to relax.

Thanks, Kwame, anonymous and Marsha.

7/28/2006 10:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for leaving a message on my site. I like meeting new people.

7/28/2006 10:47 AM  
Blogger TJ said...

sit on my patio eating a fudge popcycle...Nummy!

7/28/2006 3:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For relaxing, my vote is writing while being able to look out at mountains or the ocean(a lake, or river will suffice sometimes..well sometimes, even a tub of water will do, can't always make it to the Outside of writing, I guess a massage is a great way..But, all of these options aren't available everyday(I don't live near mountains of the ocean). My everyday relaxzation method is writing/reading while having a spot of tea or a cup of coffee...(Talking on the phone is cool too)

7/30/2006 6:36 AM  
Blogger nao said...

Marsha, I like meeting new people too.

Thanks Tammy, a fudge popsicle?... Yea, yummy yum.

Writerlcy, reading is high on most people's list so you are not alone. Phone conversations? Who doesn't need them every now and then?

Thanks for posting your comments.

8/01/2006 3:32 PM  
Blogger SnowWhite said...

Thanks for coming to my blog, my idea of relaxing is calling my sis and having a good old natter or watching my old videos that have not watched in years lol usually have to spend heaps on vhs cleaner afterwards thought lol. May go over to Tammy's house for a ice lolly.

8/02/2006 12:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like meditate or walk around my garden. Going to the beach or the park with my kids is always a winner. The best thing for me though, would be a long bath with lots of bubbles.
Thanks for stopping by. xox

8/02/2006 3:56 PM  

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