Thursday, July 27, 2006

Delightful treats...

The face which is like the mirror of one's whole body usually tells others very quickly about our lifestyles more than we can ever tell.

Stress easily puts the wrinkles on the face and "sleeping bags" under one's eyes. Ultraviolet light from the sun does it's part: penetrating the Epidermis(outer layer of the skin) and increasing the aging process. Smoke, dust and other pollutants we come in contact with in our world today all add up to the process of aging. Our eating and "drinking" habits also may increase the age of the skin. Smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, overworking, denying our bodies of enough sleep and allowing stress to build up in our lives, all have an adverse effect on the skin and helps the aging process along quickly.

delightful treats...
A facial treat is helpful in relaxing the facial skin and maintaining some of its natural youthfulness. You probably should consider giving yourself a treat this weekend with a trip to the salon for a facial... If you don't, a home fix might be just right for you. After all nobody will know how you do it,(looking so good).

a natural one...
Blend half a banana with one egg, a quarter cup of oatmeal and a half teaspoon of honey. Using circular motions, apply the mixture to your face and neck and leave it on for 10-15minutes and rinse off with lukewarm water.
Pat your face and neck almost dry, then moisturize.

Your facial skin puts on a soft glow and looks less tired. The oatmeal is a healer for troubled skin with natural moisturizing and exfoliating properties. It sloughes of dead skin cells to get rid of the dull skin on your face. The honey a natural emollient provides soothing for the skin. Bananas have long been in use for facial masks for their moisturizing benefits. Eggs (with an anti-aging mystery surrounding them) are also known to hydrate the skin and upon drying (egg whites act as a mild astringent to close pores on the skin) to reduce puffiness. All ingredients combined, forms this (home-made)ultra moisturizing mask to add a glow to your look and hopefully a spring in your step for the weekend and beyond?...



Blogger nao said...

Thanks for the compliment. I try. Yeah jobs and family take the most of our time and rightfully so but, it's always good to find time to relax. We are able to handle more, much adequately when we are relaxed and re-ernegized.

7/28/2006 10:17 AM  

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