Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The perfect hands...

I found myself constantly trying to hide my nails this Tuesday morning (at Bible class). See, I usually get my manicures on Friday or Saturday so I have pretty nails to show Kwame over the weekend. Because I cook a lot and my hands are almost always in water, it ends up not looking as good by Tuesday... With a few chips here and there sometimes. I pride myself in my skills as a Beauty Therapist and therefore like to show "my works" wherever I go. Because the ladies are likely to want a manicure, waxing, make-up or any other beauty treatment on them if they see how good it looks on you and how well kept you are, I want to always go out with the "perfectly manicured hands". Sometimes I am successful. At other times like this morning, success does not come as easily.

fresher for longer...
If you are like me who is always cooking or cleaning and have your hands in water for most times other than having a shower/bath, you may very well understand what I am talking about. I have found I keep my "perfect manicure" fresher for longer if I make the time to observe these few tips. They might help you too...
  • Avoid using your finger nails as tools (when cooking, or trying to pry a can or bottle open)
  • Buy yourself a box of disposable latex gloves (no powder brand) and use a pair every time you have to cook or do a chore that will have your hands in water. (Except of course after using the loo... Your hands will need the wash :-) )
  • Seal in your polish with a clear top coat three days after the manicure
  • A good brand of hand cream is always an asset, one with an emollient (like lanolin or glycerin) and skin nourishing properties will help keep the skin of your hands looking soft and supple (making for a good handshake)
  • If you do use sunblock, never forget to give your hands a good covering too. If you don't, when are you going to start?... The skin needs protection, you know?

A beautiful ring may draw attention to your hands but if they are not so well manicured... ? I don't know...

All you may need to seal a business deal this week is good handshake with the "perfect hands". Keep the manicure looking perfect and hopes of a good working week high up!


"There is nothing better for a man, than that he should eat and drink, and that he should make his soul enjoy good in his labour. This also I saw, that it was from the hand of God."

~The good book~


Do you have some other tips you use to keep your manicure fresh? Why don't you share it by posting a comment.


Blogger TJ said...

I've not done my nails in quite a little while...I just keep them short and clean...I find it easier that way...the cuticles and nails themselves are healthier for it, sometimes a clear coat for shine but not often anymore...now my toesies...I do paint during sandal weather!

8/01/2006 5:16 PM  
Blogger someone else said...

Hi, I just came by to say thank you for visiting my blog yesterday.

You have some good beauty tips here.

8/02/2006 8:06 AM  
Blogger Looney Momâ„¢ said...

Thanks for stopping by and signing my guestbook. I love meeting new Sisters in Christ.

I don't know right now about the manicure thing. I love long pretty nails, but then I can't play my guitar. I actually gave up playing all for vanity's sake for too long. I finally did away with the long nails and now I try to keep them nicely trimmed with maybe a light color of polish.

I'm constantly washing my hands and my skin gets so dry but I don't usually bother with lotions because I just wash them right off.

If you're cooking and need some "moisture" for your hands, shortening or vegetable oil are excellent: that's a trick I learned in Culinary School. This way you keep your hands from drying out and you don't have to worry about contaminating the food.

8/02/2006 12:57 PM  
Blogger nao said...

Natural is a good way to go Tammy.
Come back again morning glory, we are just taking off. ;-)
It is always pleasurable to meet new sisters too looneymom, thank you.

Thanks for stopping by ladies...

8/03/2006 10:39 AM  
Blogger JunieRose2005 said...


Very interesting beauty tips.
I haven't done my nails in years but have always admired pretty hands and nails!

Thanks for stopping by Junie's Place.


8/04/2006 3:07 PM  

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