Thursday, August 24, 2006

Can't go?... Can go!

from without
Many factors other than taking a shower, putting on creams and lotions (in a bid to hydrate and protect the skin from harm), putting on clothes and preventing over-exposure to the sun affect the general well being of the skin.

All of the above listed factors are implemented outside of the body but inside it, the body also works to protect the skin and to give it the "youthful appearance" that we keep wanting our skin to have for life. The body's ability to digest and egest food is one important factor that affects the general outlook of the skin. We know that what we eat affects the general workings of the body and therefore the importance of eating balanced diets.

a balance?
A balanced diet will be one with sufficient quantities of fruit and vegetables, fiber, proteins, carbohydrates, some fats and oils, and the essential minerals. It's been estimated that our body handles about 65,000 kgs of food and fluids (essentially water) in an average lifetime. When our diet does not measure up to being balanced, one of the problems it encounters is an inability to go... Egestion of the metabolic waste from the digestion process (constipation).

Supporting the lack of a balanced diet to cause the "Can't go" symptom are:
  • Not eating a balanced diet as stated above. This essentially means inadequate servings of fruit and vegetables as we do so well with protein(meat) and carbohydrates. Also, a lack of fiber in our food choice.
  • Not drinking enough water. The general recommendation is at least 8 glasses per day (about 2 liters), and more for very active people who sweat a lot.
  • A general lack of exercise, and or stress.
  • Eating quickly and swallowing air (this will also cause bloating).

From the ongoing, it becomes obvious that some of the aids to digestion will be the opposite of the above-stated points.

Of great benefit is knowing the amount and combinations of food from all the food groups that your body requires to keep healthy. Want to know the amount of each food group you need daily? The Department of Agriculture provides this easy guide .

all said...
Proper eating habits make for a healthier body and clearer skin - with less break outs. It also reduces the unpleasant effects like elevated temperatures and headaches, nausea, bloating, bad smelly gas... Oops! And the general feeling of unwellness that usually accompanies constipation. If other symptoms not stated here accompany constipation, it could indicate an underlying more serious medical condition in which case... I am no doctor. Eating well, exercising, sufficient resting times and stressing less make for a healthy body and subsequent beautiful skin.


"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength"

~the good book~

Do you have any "grandma's recipe" for avoiding or alleviating the "Can't go" symptoms? Would you want to share?


Blogger Brenda said...

My grandma was a firm believer in Castor Oil, bless her heart, but I've discovered aloe vera capsules work for me. All natural and seems to aid what ails the digestive tract.

8/24/2006 7:30 PM  

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