Wednesday, August 09, 2006

A Bit of This, and That

Is that it?
My attention was drawn yesterday to the fact that today is "Underwear Day". I just asked 'what does it mean?' Can I wear only my underwear and parade around in it? Or maybe everyone should go to the beach since most swimming costumes look as good as my underwear... In any case I thought it interesting. I will be glad to know what one is supposed to do on the world's underwear day.

Still on the underwear stuff, I had a discussion with some of my girlfriends sometime ago and it was interesting to discover that most of us get a "little" (relative) confidence boost when we left our homes for work in nice underwear. We felt pretty and good, all day. It has not stopped for me even after these years... It's interesting how little things give us a perk.

Our Perks
Someone whose hair I cut the other day was all excited after the hair cut. Apparently she had seen the style on another lady and thought how pretty it made her look. She tried it too and it worked well for her (possibly because her facial shape and bone structure were similar to that of the lady she had seen the style on). I found myself smiling and having a good time too because she was so happy. She had had her confidence boost for the day.

This morning, a cup of warm milk has done it for me and of course in honor of the underwear, my best set yet... I hope yours makes you feel great too.


"Happy is that people, that is in such a case: yea, happy is that people, whose God is the Lord."

~the good book~


Do men get that good feeling when they have 'neat underwear' on? Can someone tell me?

And ladies, does it carry through our entire lives or do we drop the 'underwear perk' after we hit a certain age? I need to know.


Blogger TJ said...

'k...Underwear day...what do you do on Underwear day...maybe buy some new...maybe study the history of undies...I do know after reading this maybe I need to try the boost of confidence a nice pair would bring cause I did give them up as I aged...the nice ones not the undies themselves...Lord Forbid...I am a southern "nice" girl after all~blushing~
as for most men...they just want it clean and it the drawer ready at their beck and call...kinda like they like their!!!

8/09/2006 11:01 AM  
Blogger Looney Momâ„¢ said...

Well that is interesting. I must admit that I don't really have a lot of "pretty" underwear since I gained so much wait, but I have a drawer waiting for when I do - if ever!

I do think it all goes along with your self-image anyway. If you're not happy with the way you look in general (being overweight in my case) then I don't think it matters too much what I'm wearing... especially in the way of underwear. *SIGH*!

I'm not sure about the guys. My hubby looks good to me in boxer briefs. I think what makes him feel good is knowing that I think so, not necessarily the undies themselves. But what do I know?

8/09/2006 3:31 PM  
Blogger nao said...

Mmm, don't know what to say Tammy. You might get a boost alright, I did yesterday.

Right on point looney mom, I guess self-confidence plays a part too.

Thanks, ladies... the comments on the guys were interesting. My hubby kinda thinks like both ;-)

8/10/2006 11:08 AM  
Blogger Monica said...

Thanks for visiting me, Flash! (Got to go see what your real name is!) And yes, that good feeling stays with you after you leave your 20s when you've got on underwear you love, that FITS and that makes you feel sexy. (It's the fit, ladies, not the size.) Outerwear too! Had on clothes that fit me properly yesterday (I'm in the midst of losing weight) and my husband had to text me after I dropped something off to him at work to tell me I looked good! Hey, that one ALWAYS makes me feel good! :-D

8/11/2006 5:17 AM  

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